Wednesday, September 24, 2014

S’more Ice Cream Sandwiches Please!


It’s officially fall, which means it’s bonfire season. And what’s a bonfire without s’mores, nothing. Sometime in the 1920s, an unknown genius decided to stick a piece of chocolate between two graham crackers with a warm marshmallow in the middle. Ever since then, s’mores have been an American classic. One delicious way to put a new spin on this old classic is to make a  S’mores ice cream sandwich, the perfect mixture of hot and cold. The sandwiches still use all the classic ingredients, but we’ve just added our favorite kind of ice cream to the mix.
  • 8 graham crackers broken in half
  • 8 marshmallows
  • 4 chocolate bars broken in half
  • 1 pint of How Now Brown Cow or Gimmi S’more Moo ice cream
  • 1 blazing fire
eating smores.jpg
  1. Roast your marshmallow in the fire.
  2. Place your piece of chocolate on a half of a graham cracker with a scoop of ice cream on top.
  3. Then put the roasted marshmallow on top of the ice cream under the second half of the graham cracker.
Fall is the perfect time for family bonding by a big bonfire and a bonfire isn’t complete without s’mores. Sure, you could stick with classic s’mores: roasting a marshmallow and putting it between two graham crackers and a piece of chocolate but why not try to mix it up this year? Impress your friends with this new twist on an old favorite. They’ll all be sure to want s’more s’mores.


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