Wednesday, August 27, 2014

End of Summer Labor Day Treats

Photo by regan74

We know it’s sad to think about, but the end is near—the end of summer. Labor Day is just around the corner, celebrate it in style with some sweet treats to cool off from all the last minute summer partying. These DIY Labor Day themed ice cream treats will make you the craftiest chef out of all of your friends.

Let’s start somewhere simple with Patriotic Ice Cream Cones. These are a fun way to spice up cones for the kids while also giving them a DIY project.
  1. Melt some white chocolate into a bowl and dip the cones into it.
  2. Then dip the cones into a bowl of sprinkles to cover up the chocolate.
  3. Mix up the colors with some red, white, and blue sprinkles.
  4. Do not forget to fill up the cones with your favorite ice cream.
Time to step it up a notch with a Patriotic Trifle dessert. Now the base of any excellent trifle is fruit, pound cake, and whipped cream, but we are going to change things up a bit. We recommend going with your favorite patriotic-colored fruit such as strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. And of course instead of whipped cream we suggest some Udderly Vanilla. Next it’s time to layer your treats.
  1. Cut some pound cake and place it at the bottom of your cup or jar. 
  2. Place your fruit and ice cream in the red, white, and blue pattern.
  3. Finish it off with another layer of cake and a final scoop of ice cream and maybe some extra fruit for design purposes. It’s up to you.

Photo by Steve Snodgrass

Finally we top it all off with the United Shakes of America—a very patriotic milkshake. Start with a large batch of Udderly Vanilla ice cream. 
  1. Divide the ice cream into three parts. 
  2. A third is to remain white while the other two thirds are to be mixed with red and blue food gels.
  3. You must place your cup into the freezer to set for a half hour to an hour after each layer is put in. 
  4. Once the treat is finally finished, put on your favorite ice cream toppings and enjoy!
If you need some supplies, stop by your local Cold Cow supplier today. But do not wait until the last minute, we want you to enjoy your Labor Day weekend! We hope you enjoy these tips and make sure to get to the pool while you still can. Happy Labor Day!


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