Thursday, July 24, 2014

8 Reactions You'll Experience During National Ice Cream Month

July is almost over, which sadly means that National Ice Cream Month is also almost over. Just the thought of an entire month dedicated to ice cream is pretty exciting. So, in recognition of one of the oldest desserts, we created a list of the normal but glorious reactions that occur in the name of ice cream!

  1. Your face when you hear about National Ice Cream Month may be a mix of excitement and disbelief. 
    Photo by Daniel Orth
  2. Your first celebratory ice cream cone will be amazing. 
    Photo by Abigail Batchelder
  3. There is the moment that you realize that you have the perfect excuse to eat ice cream at any meal, not just dessert. 
    Photo by Jackie
  4. You may start wondering how one treat can taste so good. 
    Photo by saeru
  5. Be careful though, you may unleash your inner ice cream predator and never want to share your ice cream's deliciousness with anyone
  6. You've already had your fair share of brain freezes, but you just can't seem to control yourself around ice cream. 
    Photo by Citizen4474
  7. When you think of National Ice Cream Month ending, you get a little sad.
  8. Then you remember that you don't really need an excuse to eat ice cream and let's face it, your love for it is strong all year round! 


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