Wednesday, January 8, 2014

3 Fun Ways to Fight the Winter Blues

It's a brand new year! Now that the holiday festivities are over and the weather is still frigid outside, the winter blues could set in.  We have compiled a list of some of the best ideas to help fight them.
1. Create a Winter Wonderland Indoors
Making your house look like a winter wonderland can be easy and fun. You can set the mood with the right lighting and decorations. Paper snowflakes are a cute way to get started. You can string them as garland and hang them from the ceiling. If you want to kick it up a notch, light candles and place them in blue and white candle covers to cast a wintry shade throughout the room. Add fake snow, glittering decorations, and winter-themed food and drinks and you’ll have all the joys of winter without the cold!
Here are some winter wonderland friendly food and drinks that you can incorporate:
2. Luau Party
Most hold tropical themed parties in summer, but what better way to fight the winter blues than to have fun in the sun despite them! Turn up the heat inside and pretend the weather is warm. Although having authentic totem poles and cute tiki bars is awesome, transforming your home into a tropical paradise can be done with a few simple decorations.  You can choose to buy your party supplies from a retailer, since most are usually stocked with luau party sets or you can make your own.  If you decide to go the DIY route here are a few tips from Zween.
Here are some Luau themed food and drinks to try too:
Luau Punch
3. Bundle up and play outside
So this one is pretty simple, but also super inexpensive.  One of the best ways to fight those winter blues is by enjoying the winter while it lasts! (Even though that may be longer than many of us would like.) Sledding, skiing, tubing, and ice skating are just a few of the outdoor winter activities that you can try.  If you want to go the extra mile, visit a rustic log cabin or winter resort for a weekend getaway.


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