Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ice Cream Tulips Are Real!

The closer we come to March 20, the more we start to see tulips and other springtime plants pushing to the surface. Typically, ice is their enemy. In the past couple years, early thaws have resulted in fewer springtime flowers (and thus some fruits) because the buds were frozen in late-season frosts. But what if we could combine flowers with ice and still create something beautiful?

No, we’re not talking about tulip-flavored ice cream, though somewhere in Japan there might be a jasmine flavor. Instead, we’re talking about ice cream tulips!

What’s the difference? The difference is that these things are actually real, even if they don’t include actual ice cream. But we’ll let that slide. They look they have a giant dollop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream nestled between the vibrant petals. The result is that we just want to gorge ourselves on these gorgeous flowers. 

Check out some examples below.


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