Friday, November 2, 2012

Brownie Batter Milkshakes

This is a simple recipe that will satisfy your cravings for brownies and ice cream without using your oven.

What you will need:
- Vanilla (or chocolate) ice cream
- Brownie batter mix
- Milk
- A blender

Optional for pizzazz:
- Whipped cream
- Corn syrup
- Chocolate syrup
- Chocolate sprinkles

Take your ice cream, milk and brownie batter and dump them into your blender. Blend until smooth. You get something resembling this:

Of course, this picture is rather fancy. To achieve it, dip the glass rim in a miniscule amount of corn syrup and then a small pile of chocolate sprinkles. Pour in your milkshake, top with whipped cream and drizzle on some chocolate sauce. If you have already-made brownies (or one of those small packets you can buy at a convenience/grocery store), tear them up and plop them on. Voila. 

Follow the link for more information:


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